Preparing for your Appointment:

  • Please arrive 5-10 minutes early to fill out a New Client Information form. 
  • Please wear sports gear, or a modest swimsuit or underwear.
  • Myofascial release is skin-on-skin contact.  Please do NOT wear any body lotion.  I need to connect to your fascial system and cannot do that if you are wearing lotion.

White Wolf MFR.  

4406 S. 68th St. #102 

Greenfield WI 53220

​Located inside Maple Grove Massage

White Wolf MFR

To Schedule an Appointment:

Please call or text me at (414) 543-0855.  Leave a message with your name, phone number and a day and time you would like to schedule your appointment, and I will get back to you. ​New clients must pre-pay for the first appointment.

The John F. Barnes'

Myofascial Release Approach®

Accepting cash (in-person), Venmo.   Personal checks for established clients.

​Gift certificates also available.

​​*Payment due at time of service.

(Please provide at least 24-hours advance notice for cancellation of any appointment).

Service Fee Schedule

  • John F. Barnes' Myofascial Release Therapy - $100.00/hr​.*

  • John F. Barnes' Myofascial Release Therapy - $150.00/90 minutes* 
  • 6 Hr. JFB MFR mini-intensive treatment $500.00*

  • Massage Therapy - $80.00/hr.*
  • Massage Therapy - $160.00/90 minutes*



Business Hours

  •  Available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday (11 am to 5:30 pm)

​​​​​​​​Special Offers/Discounts

If you refer a friend to me, and they pay for a treatment, you will receive a complimentary 20 minutes added on to your next treatment.

If you are on a fixed or low income, please call and we can discuss a senior discount or customized payment schedule.